Holland Lop

Holland Lop

Holland Lop

Holland Lop

Holland Lop

The Holland Lop is a dwarf rabbit, which means it should weigh about 4 lbs. once fully grown. They have a wide, short body, consequently giving them a compact body shape. They pose similarly to a cat, resting mostly on their hind legs and only slightly on their two front ones. Their most famous feature is their large fur-covered ears which fall on either side of their heads.This breed of rabbit is recognized in a variety of colors and groups. They are divided up into two classifications: solid (one color only) and broken.Some examples include chestnut agouti, chinchilla, chocolate and opal in the “Agouti” group, tortoise, seal, smoke pearl and sable points in the “Shaded” group and cream, fawn, frosty, orange, and red in the :Wide Band: group.
